
Piercing is one of the most common procedures. It was practiced only by women in ancient times, but now it is followed by males and females of any age. People have their ears pierced because of many reasons. Some people do it to follow their tradition, which has been practiced for centuries. While others follow by looking into the trends and expressions they carry.

Ear piercing is, most of the time, the first experience people have. They make up their mind after rushing into the social network and decide to be unique. There can be many other personal reasons for piercing. People get their ear piercings at a young age. It all depends on the culture. In some cultures, the process starts from childhood.

Now, the main question arises. Whether the ear piercing should be performed by the piercing gun or needle. It is all a personal choice. The National Environmental Health Association recommends piercing guns should be used on earlobes.

The steps of ear piercing in Pakistan are performed using multiple standard procedures. Here are the four common piercing types and their methods.

Lobe Piercing

Standard lobe piercing is one of the common parts of piercing. It is the most accepted piercing part that sometimes goes unnoticed. 

Experienced professionals use needles to make holes in the earlobe. They prefer sterilized needles over piercing guns. They prefer needles for accuracy and less tissue damage. It doesn’t hurt much if we talk about how it hurts while lobe piercing. It simply feels like a pinch. In some cultures, children get their piercings done within one or two years. As it is a usual piercing, it needs to be taken care of. After the lobe piercing, one must take aftercare as it is easy to clean.

Helix Piercing

Helix Piercing is done in the upper cartilage portion of the ear. At that portion, you can pierce your ear single or multiple times. Helix piercing is also referred to as Cartilage piercing. Helix piercing is somehow painful. The density and thickness of the cartilage portion are the reason that it hurts more than the earlobe. Hence, careful piercing techniques are required.

When it is compared to the lobe piercing, it is more painful than that. It is not as common as lobe piercing, but a good number of people do it. 

You can equip yourself with multiple jewelry options after Helix Piercing. The healing process takes more than four months. Until that process, you need to keep it clean and avoid touching crumpled jewelry. It becomes the ideal position for wearing labret studs when it gets healed. 

Tragus Piercing:

The Tragus piercing is an uncommon piercing. It is also, in a way, a part of Cartilage piercing. The gorgeous placement is exactly in the forepart of the ear canal. A needle is used to make a hole for this piercing.

The piercing does not hurt that much. It is slightly more painful than an earlobe piercing. Again, it depends on person to person. Its healing time is from three to six months. For care, one must avoid touching the tragus part. For healing, avoiding swimming in pools or hot tubs is recommended. 

Conch Piercing:

Conch piercing, also known as “concha,” is the placement of the external human ear. This type is a prevalent piercing procedure. The professional piercing person will have a hole with a thick needle, keeping in mind the desired considerations. Conch piercing isn’t extremely painful. It takes four to six months to heal. 

The piercing must be taken care of till it gets healed. It must be kept dry for the recommended months. It is endorsed to avoid changing jewelry till it gets healed. Altering jewelry during the healing process might take more time to make the piercing mature.

Wrapping Up:

Apart from the type of piercing, it is essential to follow professionals’ instructions. The aftercare that professionals recommend will minimize the risks of infections and abrupt the healing process.

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